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Media room | Loft | Bonus room | Basement

That's the fun zone for entertainment when its time for watching movies and playing video games with friends or family. Some people relate to this space as also the men’s den with all gadgets and their high-end tech stuff in it, this is a very common setup in house here in the United States and basement in Canadian homes.



  • Northeast/ East/ North direction rooms supports the purpose of get together in social circle, people often feel happy when they visit for a game or movie night at your house.

  • Most furniture display like the sofa and chairs should be against the west wall or south wall to balance the energy with the elements of the direction.

  • A fresh flower arrangement in any room adds a freshness of healing element to the space. Avoid dried flower arrangement as it has dead energy in them which collects negative energy on them. If artificial flower arrangements are used make sure they do not collect dust on them and are cleaned regularly.

  • The screen should be placed on the East / North wall so that when we watch, we receive the positive energy from the East n Magnetic energy from the North. The screen of the Television also acts as a mirror here, so it also enhances the magnetic energy of the room which in turn support these directions. Try to avoid placing the TV on the south wall as it drains away all your energy, the west can be considered if that's the only available option in that specific room.

  • During client home analysis I have also noticed the addition of bar space into this room. Liquor should always be placed in the disposal zone so that it doesn't cause addiction for it. But when it is used for entertainment and only parties it can be kept in a different zone or directions which supports it and does not lead to regular consumption.

  • To cleanse the negative energy or vibes from outsiders in the living room burn incense/ herbs or place a spa salt bowl which purifies the room and removes any negative energy that sticks to the walls of the house at the etheric level which is not visible with naked eyes.

  • The most beneficial zones for entertainment room is East / North East / North / Northwest but that does not mean that the rooms in other zones are not good for living room placement in that case we can alter the decor and add crystals to get balanced energy in the house. Each direction has a special quality which can help us in receiving the benefits from it directly or indirectly.

  • Do not crowd the room with heavy furniture all over the room, there should be enough free space for energy to move freely and the room should be clutter-free at all times.


  • Effects of Screen in different directions of the house.

  1. ​When the entertainment screen is in North East it might interest you to be actively involved with online meditation, creative interest, and motivational series.

  2. The east screen will want you to be actively involved in fun and entertainment series.

  3. North direction screen time promote career and learning new ways of increasing income sources.

  4. North West screen time interests you towards support related series and sometimes emotional drama.

  5. West keeps you busy with business and trading related programs.

  6. The southern screen involves you with relaxed programs.

  7. Southeast screen draws attention for money-making series, action video games, and physical nutrition & fitness programs. 

  8. Southwest screen keeps you engrossed in skill-enhancing programs.

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