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Study | Office Room
As a child growing up in India following the beliefs of our parents and grandparents we were always guided to face East while studying as well as doing all auspicious work, but with Vedic Vastushastra knowledge we can take the benefits of directions. As per the subject we choose to excel we can take advantages received from elements and directions to grow in a specific field of interest. A study room or office space both need concentration, focus, skills to manage assignments timely, creative ideas and its execution. Directions help us accelerate the work or disintegrate us from work, exhausting our skills as well as time with lack of professional guidance in the field.
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Let knowledge be on our side to guide us, inspire us, help us grow to understand our self and life connections with the help of directions.
Music has the power to heal and motivate, silent music or mantras while working adds to the work environment and aids to relax the mind with enhanced focus.
Depending on choice of the course for higher education the location of study room on the floor plan of the house favors your interest and growth in a specific field.
​Northeast and East direction is suggested for creative study and planning, it can also be recommended for religious studies. Facing the East directions supports this space.
East & Southeast direction is good for Political & Social Science career opportunities. Having the study table in the Southeast corner of the room helps in retaining & remembering the work done while doing your studies in that specific zone. It helps to recall the preparation done for the test / examination day.
Northwest direction helps for banking and financial support related careers.
South southwest and West northwest directions being in the discard function zone will create failing results over a period of time in most subjects and projects in work if they are used for study room or office.
West direction is good for Maths, Science and accounting related careers, study room or office in this direction supports these subjects very well.
North and East direction favors most subjects of studies and career.
South direction enhances debate skills and business related subjects in studies and career.
If there is a problem with a concentration in studying or working with current direction, try working with facing the west direction.
The desk in the room should always be clutter-free, neatly organized, preferably wooden, with a pen stand and all required necessities so that you don't have to be away from your desk and waste your time looking for stuff.
Always have a glass of water by your side to keep you hydrated in case of long hours at the desk.
Place a shree yantra and mahamrityunjaya yantra in front of the desk to keep you motivated, provide healing, energize you with balanced energy flow to avoid distraction while working or studying. It also promotes prosperity,abundance and healing together at the physical and mental level.
The room should be well lit, let in the natural light flow in the room to add freshness & endurance during long working hours of the day.
Indoor plants and crystals boost and cleanse the energy of the space. Add a piece of Amethyst crystal for promoting focus and calm with a combination of Tiger-eye crystal to negate the excessive energy in case of disagreements during official calls.
Display of motivational frame, affirmations, vision board as a part of the room decor to be goal-oriented, motivated, creative and inspiring.
Mirror in the office space and study room should be avoided.
Avoid keeping medicines on your desk. If needed keep in them in the medicine box.
Effects of study or office space in respected directions.
When the study or office is in the North-East zone of the house, which belongs to the water element which is unstable by nature it might not allow you to focus on your study or work for longer hours. But depending on the nature of skills as mentioned above you may be able to choose this room.
East zone represents the social aspect of the homeowner, hence when the study or office space is located here in this direction, it is an acceptable location depending on the nature of skills and study, in case of the imbalanced east zone on your floor plan of the house, it might keep your mind distracted with party ideas and social associations.
North direction governs opportunities and career, so it creates an ideal one for studying and working space when balanced on your floor plan of the house.
​Northwest direction when balanced in your floor plan it can be utilized in your area of expertise in finance and banking. It can also be a resourceful space for healing related topics to study or work. Healing related work done in this zone is beneficial for the host and the client.
West directions is ruled by gains, it also represents our interest towards spirituality. Having a balanced western zone can be beneficial for Math’s, Science and Accounting related subjects. Facing of the desk can be west, east or north depending on the space availability in the room.
Southern located study room or office are considerable options as per Vedic vastushastra guidance. This zone is close to the earth element which promotes stability and supports subjects like debate and business. So, presences of study or office space here on the floor plan promotes and supports long hours.
Southeast direction is the ideal place for the study room or office space in the house since this zone is ruled by fire element, hence this zone is balanced in elemental respect which promotes passion, sincerity and focuses with recalling ability and retaining the concepts learned. This zone helps people interested in political and social related careers. I generally recommend this zone the most subjects because it gives you the passion to follow your dreams and keep you motivated because this zone has all the required qualities needed by a student.
Southwest direction is related to the skills zone hence having a study room or office room in the house in this zone benefits those who are working professional on skill-related subjects. Being in the earth related zone it sometimes keeps you engrossed on one topic for a long time that time management might become a concern in due course of time, which might cause an imbalance in this zone.
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