You are the love of my life, who makes me love myself. A life partner.
You are the sun of my life, who adds the warmth and spreads the brightness in life. A child.
You are the truth of my life, who teaches me acceptance, confidence, keeps me motivated to keep trying. A mentor / teacher.
You are the strength of my life, who makes me one step closer to being fearless in every move of life. A parent.
This Valentine’s day 2020 let’s try to spread the joy of love and light in our lives to let every member feel loved, special, accepted, appreciated and happy. Honestly, speaking we cannot please every relationship in our lives, but we can try to maintain a respectful and stress-free space. How successfully we handle them further depends on our homes or in other words our vastu and the floor plan of our homes.

Some homes emit warmth and cozy vibrations, while others are just cold, with no emotions but stuffed with most expensive decor but feels like a museum in there missing the feel of a home sweet home. Every individual resonates at a special frequency and get attracted to the same. You will only be able to receive and understand these subtle messages when you are in tune with these energies. There are a lot of factors in the house they go into making a successful relationship at all levels. Harmony in the family and bonds they share with us in life has a direct relation in every culture and community which help us to live a content and successful life.
I always mention about the southwest direction, when i talk about relationship and stability in life in reference to Vedic vastushastra approach for better homes and living space. Southwest direction is related to the earth elements which is the stability factor of life, it also represents the Muladhar chakra or the Root chakra which is the most important factor of physical existence and materialistic happiness in life, ancient Vedic scripture connects this direction with the ancestors and inheritance of the family and lastly is our skill-sets in the form of expertise in our career or business is also determined from this direction.
Directions play different role in different relationships and need to be in tune with the elements of nature for creating a happy relation. When they are imbalanced this is what happens,
Southwest creates misunderstanding and lacks the power of self-expression is relationships with family members like father and son not getting along, mother in-law and daughter in-law issues, sibling problems, husband wife clashes and so on.
Along with Southeast creating high expectations from others and lacking satisfaction in relations due to monetary reasons.
East towards Southeast direction relates to the in-laws. If this direction is imbalanced there can be in-law’s interference to an extreme extend in the family. Along with Southwest direction being in-laws bedroom space can also add to this issue.
Northeast direction is our direct connection with cosmic force, imbalance here creates the confused state of relations and unable to define them.
Northwest toward North direction sometimes spices up the relation with an extra need for physical attraction in a relationship which can also lead to extra marital affair.
North direction directly impacts client satisfaction in business relations.
Northwest direction creates delays in opportunities and support from workplace.
East direction governs our support from social relations and friends.
West represents our spiritual relation enhancement direction.
South connects to our relations in the community around us and social status.
Simple solutions to fix any imbalance in the house with Wholistic living space suggestions, focus on making changes with most critical need and then moving to next. Do not do everything at the same time, first make few changes observe it for at least 90 days to see the results and then look at the other requirements.
· To enhance marital relation
Headboard of the bed should always be aligned to the South direction.
Add a pair of love birds or anything that symbolizes love to you in a pair only.
Avoid dark and bright shades anywhere in the house in the form of wall paints, curtains and bed sheets.
Clutter free bedroom space and remove any stuff of ex girl / boy friend / husband / wife, when you are in new relationship.
Happy and romantic couple picture in the Southwest direction of the bedroom.
Spa Salt in the southwest bedroom attached toilet if in this direction as well.
Keep Rose quartz crystals for love and Amethyst crystal for let go by the bedside table.
If the kitchen is here adding a yellow silicon mat under the stove to block the negativity created by have fire in this zone helps balance the direction.
Say I love you, i care, express your love for each other, never assume situations.
· To enhance family relation
A loving and happy family picture in the southwest resolves the issues if any. Express the love and share your concerns with each other to lets smooth flow of energy in any relationship.
Add a jar of candies in Southeast direction to keep the sweetness alive in every relation.
· To enhance business and client relations
Add lush greens to this direction. Communication is the key to building successful relation. Always appreciate you client for giving you a chance to serve them.
· To enhance spiritual relation
Balance the west direction and beautify this direction with a scared space for your guru or mentor. Gratitude always works wonders.
· To enhance social relation
Add a happy face of Sun in the East direction. Meet your loved ones with warmth and something healthy and sweet when you see them.
I hope you try these and share your experiences with me.