You can relate to this if you have been using vedic vastu guidance for creating a balanced floor plan of the house. This is a case study which was an eye-opening experience for the client and me when details of each room were analyzed carefully keeping in mind the sensitivity of the relationship and the problem which came up out of nowhere after redecorating their home. They were a happily married couple with 5 years of marriage until they started drifting away from each other. The wife complaint of husband having an affair and not being interested in her any more the way it used to be previously. To my surprise I knew the couple and such a complaint coming from them was not justified. They reached out to me for help on this matter and I was happy to help them overcome this situation with a view to looking at their house floor plan and understand the reason of this misunderstanding. Everything in life cannot be just about the floor plan of the house but there are definitely other reasons as well. After eliminating all the other facts and possibilities we consider looking into the house as an alternative healing approach to create a balance in the lives and helping to overcome a situation. Some basic details of their home are discussed below.
Floor plan observations overview,
1. Master bedroom in South-east direction with master bathroom in Southeast as well.
2. There was a store in North-North west direction which was empty before renovation and now used as a dumping place for old stuff not in use.
3. Headboard of the bed was in the east direction which was changed from south wall to east wall now after remodeling the house.
4. Southwest zone of house belongs to relationship and skills and ancestral blessing or pitra zone where they had added a Radha Krishna portrait recently after refinishing the house painting and redecoration.
5. One of the Wall was painted blue in the room.
6. There was a water fountain in the south east corner of the master bedroom added recently.
Analyses for their relationship problem,
The bedroom direction was fine because they were using the same room prior to any problems, but the recent changes had messed up their relationship such as dumping the store area, changing the bed direction, addition of Radha Krishna picture in the wrong direction and changing the wall color. Everything was against a cordial relationship. South-east direction for master bedroom is not a recommendation for everyone for a master bedroom, it needs to be balanced before choosing that direction as a master bedroom especially if it is for a newly wed couple.
Wholistic Living Space suggested solution,
1. Moving the bed to the previous position with headboard towards the south direction.
2. Copper wire demarcation for toilet to better balance the home. Introduce spa salt and tiger eye crystal in the toilet to eliminate the negativity.
3. Removing the Radha Krishna picture and introducing a pair of love birds in the Southwest zone.
4. Changing the wall colors to neutral shades like cream or off-white.
5. Removing the water fountain from the master bedroom.
Within three months of changes the couple were relieved of their problems.

Radha Krishna Picture Significance in Vedic Vastu Analysis.
What comes to your mind at the first glance on the picture of Radha Krishna?
It reminds me of bond of devotion, friendship and romance. It does not symbolize commitment which is the basic need in a marital relationship.
So, what do you want in your relationship? What does this picture represent subconsciously to our mind?
Knowingly we want to create romance by introducing this picture but unknowingly we are not creating commitment along with it, while romance and commitment are two pillars of a successful relationship which go hand in hand and is incomplete without either one. When we place a Radha Krishna picture it in the wrong direction of relationship and support in the house which is the Southwest direction, instead of enhancing the bond of love in the couple relationship it creates gaps in it leading to either the husband or the wife to drift away for each other looking for support outside their married life. So be mindful before introducing any decor in the house. This post is not created with an intention to hurt anyone's feeling in person.