We all know that children are full of energy and this energy needs to be channeled in the right direction for their growth, not just physical, but it should be for a healthy mind, body, and soul trio. Every child is special and has different skill sets which we as parents we need to unveil and identify them to enhance to its best extend. When the placement of their rooms in the house supports their identity it boost their growth and performance thought life.

Sleeping positions for the children in their bedroom is very important as it induces good sleep, keeps them away from night mares, bed wetting, frequent wake up calls at night and scary dreams. The position of the bed should be make in the most positive and supported direction with the head towards south and feet towards north, followed by head to the east and toe pointing to the west would be best directions during their educational ages. Under no circumstance the bed should be aligned to the North wall its creates a total disturbance in health at mental and physical level.
When the child is about 2 yrs old they should not be sharing the room with their parents. They should be sleeping independently in their own rooms, some people prefer to start it early, it's totally one's own choice of parenting. But this helps the child become independent and disciplined from an early age and the transition to their independent sleeping is easy as compared to kids sleeping with their parents till the age of 5 years and more.
The children's room can be located in northwest, west, southeast, north, south, east and lastly northeast direction till the age of 11, but once they get into adolescence age of teens they should not be assigned northeast and southwest room as it does not support their needs of those ages.
Never let children at any age sleep in the southwest room as this room strictly belongs to the master of the house which should always be parent room. Kids using this room in a later stage are seen being aggressive, arrogant, easily influenced by peers, get carried away with the influence of wrong company.
Do not pile up books in the southwest corner of the room. They will never be read and referred for their guidance.
Keep an Amethyst charged crystal for better concentration and peaceful sleep in their bedroom. Avoid having TV and unhappy pictures in their bedroom.
Place their photos, awards, motivational affirmations and achievement on the South and West wall to promote stability and success in them from early ages.
Make a Vision Board for their bedroom and make them write their goals and dreams on it and hang it or pin it on the east or north wall to keep them motivated towards them. Ask them to read it aloud daily. This helps them to think about their dreams and what they want to be in life. It may be early for a kid to focus on it because it might change frequently with their ages, that's perfectly fine it just developing a habit of creating what they want and in future when they achieve it they know what worked for them and it's time to think for a new vision a new goal to achieve.
Colors for children’s bedroom depends on the location of the room.
Southeast room – Avoid blue. Light shades of green, lavender, yellow, beige, pink all pastel shades.
Northwest room – White is the best. Blue can be used to highlight one wall.
North room – White, Light Blue, Lavender, all pastel shades.
Northeast room - all pastel shades, No reds, black or grey.
West room - shades of blue works fine.
South room - No reds in the bedroom as it gets too bright and loud, use lighter shades of the family color. Try to avoid blue here in this direction. Enhancing these colors in upholsters, furniture and furnishing also give benefits of color therapy.
Study table and chair of the children should always be facing north or east and finally west while studying. The study table should be clutter-free and organized to receive positive energy and clarity while studying. When books are not in use it should be closed and not open. Furthermore, depending on the choice of their subjects of interest the direction of the room can be considered
Northeast direction for Creative study and planning.
East & Southeast direction is good for Political & Social Science. Having the study table in the Southeast corner of the room helps in retaining & remembering the work done or studies in that specific zone. It helps the child recall his studies and be well prepared for the test day.
Northwest direction helps for banking and support related studies.
South southwest and West northwest being in the discard function zone will create failing results in all subjects.
West direction is good for Accounting and most of the subjects.
North direction favors most subjects especially career-oriented subjects.
Last but not the least spend time, give love, nourish them and enjoy being with them. We have a lot to give them and they have lots of love to give in return. Love your children, accept your children and bless them.