Kitchen is the space where food is prepared which is directly related to our health and prosperity of the house when cooked in the right zone with the right intentions. The presence of fire in the kitchen represents passion, power, and good digestion capability. The fire used in the kitchen not only represents the element of fire but also relates to the ambitions of the members of the house. This is the space, where the lady of the house spends most of her time in South Asian culture whether she is working or stay at home mom, it affects the mental, emotional and physical health of the family.

1. Music has the power to heal, play music or mantras while working in the kitchen to reduce stress levels and enhance our energy levels which makes the food healthier and more beneficial to consume.
2. The person cooking food induces their emotions into the food while preparing food so the direction in which food is cooked is directly related to one’s family health and other aspects.
3. Add a bird feeder, feed the birds, keep some water for the birds in your balcony, patio, garden or backyard is a healing technique to invite good karma.
4. Cook every meal like it’s an offering to the supreme power, this energizes the food and reminds us to be grateful to receive the blessings of health to consume that food and wealth to be able to buy everything that contributes to the meal. Try this simple trick and check the taste of your food, friends will love to be invited to your place for get-together.
5. It is considered healthy to eat food sitting on the floor as it helps in secretion of digestive juices while having food. If you choose to use the dining table, it should always be kept well-lit and clean.
6. Keep a bowl full of fruits on breakfast or dining table, it signifies abundance.
7. Spend time to have at least 1 meal with the family in a day or create a special day for the family meal and enjoy the togetherness of family time every week.
8. Cooking gas should not be seen as soon as you enter the house, this is not a positive sign for the prosperity of the house. In such a case, we recommend having a huge flower vase or artifact on the kitchen island to block the view of the gas from the main door.
9. For the kitchen in the east/ northeast/ southeast/ south, it should have the cooking stove facing east direction which means while cooking your facing east direction.
10. With the west/ northwest/ north/ southwest kitchen, the cooking stove should be west facing.
11. Colors like black and blue should not be used in the kitchen for flooring and types of furniture should be chosen according to the zones where the kitchen is located.
12. The kitchen should always be clutter free. Discard all broken and unused item lying around for more than 2 years, this creates energy blocks in the space.
13. Crystals, Mantras, and Yantra also benefit to create positive vibes in the kitchen.
14. Take advantage of nature and apply simple solutions to maintain the energy while working in the kitchen by facing east, west or north direction, avoiding south as it drains your energy and keeps you agitated.
15. I have observed during my case analysis, many people like placing huge mirrors on the wall close to the dining table, this is only beneficial when the mirrors are placed on north or east wall with the west being the last option and total no to south zone for wall mirrors.
16. Dining table should be kept clean and not crowded with other stuff and medicine bottles.
17. Kitchen and dining space are adjoining rooms in most floor plans or at the most, there would be a kitchen table for breakfast and dinners along with the formal dining room for guests. In the case of formal dining space, people also prefer having a buffet server unit which should be placed on the west or south wall of the room.
18. The crockery which has not been used over a couple of years or has been inherited should be cleaned regularly so that they do not collect dust and invite negative and stale energy in the room. Do not intend to store it, if you have no plans to use it then donate it.