Decorating the front door entryway of our home with the intention to welcome good vibes and create a peaceful, pure and high vibration of energy in every direction and corner of the house. The decor displayed in every direction creates a positive, negative or neutral effect. Considering the most common entry way decor which I have come across in my observation in US and Canadian homes with most Indian – Asians families are mirrors, deity portraits, water elements, vase, flowers and plants, photos, ethnic decor and artifacts, wall hangings, dream catcher, turtle, idols. Details on these 11 common decor suggestions will help you redecorate your house with a better understanding to utilize it to the best and to make a better home.

SERIES 1/11 MIRRORS. Mirror Mirror….what do I see?
Mirrors attract and multiplies energy from the direction they are placed on, it enhances the positivity for that specific direction when placed on right wall and creates problems when wrongly located. Let's look at the different directions and its results. For example, if the entrance of the house is from East and you place a mirror in front of the door on the entryway table it repels the positive energy entering the house from east direction. Mirror amplifies the positive attribute and negative attributes of any direction it is placed in. It is very important to check what is being reflected in the mirror.
North – The direction North relates to the zone of finances and has a magnetic energy field of positivity, when a mirror is used on this wall it enhances its positive energy and acts as a magnet. If we do not have any windows on the north wall, adding a full-size mirror creates financial opportunities. Avoid square shaped mirrors or wall art of small mirrors on this wall.
Northeast - Northeast direction attracts cosmic energy into the house so this is a good direction to place a mirror.
South / Southwest / Southeast - South direction is governed by stability, strength, fame, relaxation, hence ancient Vedic vastu scriptures suggests that there should be no windows or mirrors in these directions, but practically it is not possible in US or Canada homes. We receive infrared solar energy from this direction which is a little more intense and stressed as compared to North, East and West directions which is why we need less opening from these directions. We can choose to keep south direction free from any mirrors. Placing a mirror on the south direction wall is big NO for decoration purpose because we do not want to amplify the Southern energy in an aggressive way. When mirrors are placed on the south wall in the washrooms, in that case it is ok and manageable with simple quick fix Wholistic Living Space remedies since we don't use it for a long time and doors to the washroom are always closed.
East - East is the direction for growth, good health and solar energy, mirrors on east wall always enhances the positivity of this direction. East enhances social success. While choosing mirrors for decor the size of the mirror is also important, it should be significant size and not very small ones. Irregular designs should be avoided. Round shaped mirror is not recommended in the east directions, rectangular is always recommended.
West - West is the direction of spiritual connection. Wholistic Living Space recommends avoiding using mirrors on the west wall. But when there are no other options available and that's the only option to place a mirror in that case do not place big mirrors on this wall. This is the last option available to hang mirror if needed.
Northwest - Northwest relates to travels and opportunities in life in the form of support from external resources known and sometimes unknown support factor. Wholistic Living Space suggests placing a mirror in the northwest direction towards the north side of wall to enhance it’s positive energy if you want to explore foreign travel opportunities, financial support, spiritual guidance and exploring the nature.
Center of the house / Bramha stahan – Try to keep this space empty, clean, clutter free, open, mirror free.
Quick fix Wholistic Living Space solutions for wrongly placed mirror which cannot be moved.
1. Simple way to reduce its negative effects is keep it covered when the dresser in the bedroom is exactly in front of the bed, which reflect a sleeping person. At least keeping it covered while sleeping helps in retaining the energy from the body which is lost when the feet are point towards the mirror in lying down position.
2. Closet with mirror doors commonly seen here in Canadian homes serves the purpose due to small floor plans but adversely affects the related direction. Using an opaque film to keep it covered serves the purpose and solves the problem to quite an extend.
3. Shape and size of the mirror is also an important point to consider while managing the energy of the direction.
4. Use of specific stickers at the corners of the mirror depending on the direction can also be suggested. If you know your directions well and are aware of the placements of the mirror and have been facing issues send me a message for detailed solution.
5. Have least number of mirrors, some people are simply fascinated with mirrors.
For specific questions comment in the post or send me a pm.