Effect of these frames in our love nest ....home sweet home...and more to it.
In my practice over the years, I have come across homes with empty walls, with paintings on the wall, sometimes they are all over the house leaving no wall empty while few others choose to randomly place pictures around the house. When we try to understand the energy of the house from a Vedic vastushastra space analysis, we do consideration the choice of paintings which might be enhancing the positivity of that zone in the house or draining good vibes of the house creating stressed energy. Every picture carries an energy which might create direct or indirect effects on our health, wealth, relationship and growth aspect our life. Every direction resonates with a specific color and element while it gets imbalanced with opposite colors and elemental imbalance with wrong combination in any specific zone of the house.

Family portraits should be placed in the Southwest zone of the house, facing West or East wall in a royal frame. It creates stability and togetherness in the bond of the family members. Couple pictures should be placed on South west corner of the Master bedroom facing east or west direction only.
Pictures having water element such as waterfall, pond, aquarium, beach, lake, should only be placed in the living room on the North wall, East wall and North east corner. It creates abundance and flow of cosmic energy, good health and wealth in the homes.
Mountain portraits add support when placed in the south direction but make sure there is no water elements in the same picture because water does not support this zone.
Sunrise pictures with beach, greenery, water, sky, boats, birds, butterfly can be hung on East direction or eastern wall in the house which is the growth zone.
Success pictures can be placed in the gains direction which is the West zone. Spiritual teachers/masters’ picture are best supported in West direction facing east.
Vedic Yantra if used on the walls in the house should be placed with respect and care depending on the direction as well as the elements it supports.
Kids pictures should not be placed in the North-east corner, it can be placed on the west wall facing east or east wall facing west in their bedrooms. It creates balance and positive attitude in them.
Wild animal’s protraits should not be displayed in our homes. It signifies destruction and wildness which might create an overwhelming energy in the house. If you like to keep pictures with birds, make sure they are in pairs.
Ancestral pictures who have passed away should not be displayed in our house. Sometimes it creates health issues for the male head of the family member. When placed in wrong direction it creates adverse energy effects. They should be wrapped in white cloth and kept with respect. During the Hindu month of sharaadh or pitrupaksh those pictures can be displayed for the formal rituals.
Pictures of Hindu god/goddess should only be placed on the East/ West wall or Northeast direction. They should not be placed in any bedrooms, especially master bedroom. Too many pictures create very high energy in our homes which is not easy for us to handle in our modern lifestyle and creates disagreement on views in the family members creating misunderstanding.
Art portraits which is peaceful, makes us feel good, is clear to understand, has only good vibes should only be used in the homes.
Tribal figures should not be used for display in the homes at it does not signify growth.
Sinking / broken ship floating in the sea, these pictures should not be placed in the homes as it creates losses.
Pictures with awards and achievements should be placed on the South wall facing north to enhance fame and power.
Do not crowd the walls with too many pictures in the living space because it adds confusion in making an important decision.