As the kitchen enhances good health, passion, fitness, and fun of food in our lives to enjoy the yummy recipes to activate our taste buds for different spices to be tasted and tested. Kitchen space becomes a critical area of the house in the floor plan because it involves the elements fire which is very sensitive in nature. Explore the placement of your kitchen on the floor plan to modify its negative effects to create an enhanced space in the house to give us better benefits.
Impact of Kitchen location in different directions with simple solutions to balance this space.

1. When the kitchen is in the North East zone of the house it creates health issues. It is observed in case studies that homes with the kitchen in this zone creates mental illness or disease related to the brain, in extreme cases, there have been instances of cancer and neurological issues. It's a total NO zone for the kitchen.
Wholistic Living Space Balance Suggestion :
1. Add a green mat under the gas stove on the floor to block the fire in this zone.
2. Green colored crystals or gems. Tiger eye crystal.
3. Balancing this zone by adding indoor plants.
2. East zone represents the social aspect of the homeowner, hence kitchen here is an acceptable location, keep in mind to control your expenses in social associations.
Wholistic Living Space Balance Suggestion :
1. Add a green mat under the gas stove on the floor to block the fire in this zone.
2. Green colored crystals or gems. Tiger eye crystal.
3. Balancing this zone by adding indoor plants.
3. North direction governs opportunities, so when the kitchen is located here it involves the fire element which in turn is burning off the new financial opportunities and creates no growth. Kitchen placement in this zone needs attention and should be altered with colors and crystals to reduce the elemental imbalance in the natural element cycle. This also creates wasteful expenses and hampers savings.
Wholistic Living Space Balance Suggestion :
1. Add a green mat under the gas stove on the floor to block the fire in this zone.
2. Green colored crystals or gems. Tiger eye crystal.
3. Balancing this zone by adding indoor plants.
4. Northwest is a good location for planning a kitchen on the floor plan, it promotes good health and helps in ideal weight maintenance. It should be kept in mind to face west in this kitchen while cooking. This also keeps you busy with frequent guests and visitors. If you like cooking and serving people enjoy your kitchen in the North West.
5. West direction is an average option for having a kitchen here because West is ruled by gains, it also represents our interest towards spirituality. Having a well-planned and balanced space can be beneficial for kitchen located here. It is a good location for placing the dining table here.
6. A southern kitchen is a considerable option as per Vedic Vastu Shastra rules since this zone is close to the fire element. Social recognition can help increase financial growth with the kitchen located here with balancing the fire zone with the right elements and colors.
7. Southeast is the ideal place for the kitchen since this zone is ruled by Agni (Fire Element) hence this zone is balanced in elemental respect which promotes passion, prosperity, and improves cash flow for a balanced floor plan layout. Scientifically when the food is cooked in this zone facing east, it receives natural benefits from the sun rays which make food healthy and nutritious to consume promoting good health. The food remains fresh and more energized for consumption when the kitchen is in this zone. When there is a southeast kitchen in the house it gives prosperity, good health, strong and commanding hold of the lady of the house when treated with love and respect. She loves her responsibilities and enjoys them equally.
8. Southwest is not an option for the kitchen, generally, not advised as per vastu shastra guidelines. It affects growth, skills, relationship, stability, and health mainly for the master of the family. It also creates a difference in opinion in the family. Fire element being present here creates a disturbance in the earth element which governs this zone of strength and security which eventually hampers the passion, ambition and success aspect for the family members.
Wholistic Living Space Balance Suggestion :
1. Add a yellow mat under the gas stove on the floor to block the fire in this zone.
2. Red colored crystals or gems. Tiger eye crystal.