Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. Self-affirmation may also help to mitigate the effects of stress. I wake up every morning to spread the love and light in every corner of my house with the power of words to help me start an excellent day. The way we choose our designer wear, shoes, bags and every little thing to begin our perfect day so look the best, let the words you speak and think create an ideal home to make you a better you. Create a list of the affirmations which you need in life right now that resonate with you print them and pin them on your wash room 🛀mirror to utilize your time well in that space😉 or in the kitchen 👨🍳while you prep every meal give it a glance and read it to yourself aloud and let your words bring joy and harmony to you. Repeat these affirmations daily for at least 90 days and then feel the vibrations of the house and yourself. Balancing your homes with affirmations is a simple solution to create a new pattern of thoughts to help you increase the vibrations of your property. I always suggest my clients to create your home before you think about buying one and let the universe receive your message and you be helped by nature to get the best home which is truly meant for you. Set an intention to find the best house in a specified time frame, within your budget, with all your requirements and you shall see it happen but the key to it is consistency. I love working with affirmations and i am grateful to Louise Hay's collection of books on affirmations which always kept me motivated and inspired in every event of my life.

My Daily Affirmations
1. I sprinkle love in every corner of my house.
2. I have a beautiful residence.
3. I love and accept my house the way it is.
4. I am in charge of my house where i choose to stay.
5. I feel fantastic in every room of my house, my living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, backyard, patio, attic, garage and basement.
6. I have a clean and sparkling home with magnificent decor.
7. My house is a magnet for attracting love, success, prosperity and abundance.
8. My kitchen inspires me to choose healthy food for my family.
9. My house promotes my healing at every level.
10. I bless my home and appreciate it.
11. I frequently say "I love you" my home sweet home.
12. Money follows to me to maintain my house in an excellent condition.
13. I have the best appliances in my home to assist me.
14. My home welcomes everyone who visit us.
Make your own list to personalize your affirmations. They have worked wonders for me and i am certain they will for you too. Good luck!!