This is very interesting, and I am sure most of us might have heard it in a form of stories from our parents and grandparents that “speak good words”. Our thought that we think, relative and irrelative and words we speak, good and bad contribute to our outlook in life. We do not understand the impact of these unless we know about it. I could easily relate to the power of affirmations when I added them to my everyday routine. We all know about affirmations, have heard about it from a friend or someone, may be watched a video on it. Having experienced the change in a short time span, it just struck me to do it in a group. I was sure about one thing that there will definitely be at least 1 person who want to create some change. I am lucky I found more than 15 lovely people who wanted to help each other as a part of a collective consciousness. When we talk about collective consciousness it means when people do any activity in a group the number of people in it multiplies its strength which is more powerful in comparison to doing it alone. The results of togetherness are much higher and better.

With an intention “Together we can and have achieved the best for us”,
is to collectively increase the power of attraction for each one of us in this group and help each one benefit from it. As we consistently choose new thoughts and train our self in trusting our new life pattern, we shall lovingly explore it.
1. What is an affirmation?
Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." Wikipedia
2. What is an affirmation to me?
For me affirmation is our right to attract the best of everything in this life and live life to fullest. By creating affirmations, we are creating definite statements to create a positive impact in our lives. We give up easily because we do not believe in our own self and sometimes life does not act the way we want it to be, so we close our self and do not let the universe offer the best that is awaiting for us. Affirmations help you create new vision, a goal which is there in each of us, but it is hidden right now in a corner of our heart. Let us all open each dream we had a child which has been lost over these years we have spent. Let us go for them now, it might have changed for many us by now, but I am sure we all have dreams or desires that are waiting inside us or discover some new ones. Now that I have decided that my journey begins to discover my own self and enjoy the way I am. I now decide to trust myself and achieve everything I ever dreamt of because now I have understood that I am responsible and in charge of my life, MYSELF. By reading these affirmations daily it acts as a magnet in attracting them and keeps us motivated to achieve them. I will share my stories as we start this 30-day challenge.
3. Do affirmations really work?
Yes, it does and No it does not work. What do you want to believe? It will not work for you if your belief of not getting positive results is stronger than the trust in yourself. To get the required results it will be different for every individual, for some people every time they do an affirmation about certain thing they want, they receive it but for some people it might take a little longer while for others they might not experience any result of doing affirmations. These affirmations do not happen over night you need consistency, positive approach, determination and time. It is quick, simple and not time consuming for sure.
4. How often should we do our affirmation?
To start with at least 3 times a day like a prescription for our wellness,
1- morning with tea/ coffee/ glass of water,
2- evening with again with personal choice of beverage
3- last in bed before sleeping.
I want you to enjoy every bit of the affirmation don’t force yourself, but train yourself.
5. How to use the affirmation wellness prescription?
Create your personal affirmation wellness prescription or use Wholistic Living Space magic 7# Affirmations Wellness Prescription. Print at least 3 copies, pin it at the most frequently used space of your house such as on the fridge, in the washroom or on the sink mirror, your dresser is the best, specially the closet because we can’t find any clothes as we have none so let’s do a quick affirmation, kitchen cabinet a quick glance when we cook, work desk for sure, last but not the least bed side table and finally mobile the most important thing in our life these days so, you have no excuse that you don’t have it with you. So now we have all the locations sorted for you to do them every day.
6. What are the Side effects of the Affirmation Wellness Prescription?
You cannot stop yourself from getting compliments, receiving love, looking hot and beautiful, attracting prosperity in every form and being a successful woman. Please get use to its over dosage.
Wholistic Living Space - Magic 7# Affirmations Wellness Prescription.
You can choose to create your own list of affirmations or if these resonate with you, we all can try this for the first time and then create another one once you have done this.
1. I am limitless and special, so I approve myself of love, acceptance, joy, inner strength and creativity.
2. I have all the rights to have my own bank balance and enjoy my financial independence.
3. I enjoy to excel in every project in my job/ business/ career, I open myself to the new possibilities, opportunities and promotions which are meant for my highest good to come at the right time.
4. I choose healthy foods to keep me happy, flexible and fit to enjoy every phase in the journey of my life with grace and passion.
5. I express myself freely with clarity and confidence to the universe as I trust the universe for its guidance for me.
6. My house is a wonderful place to be, blessed with abundance, prosperity, success, understanding, compassion, respect and acceptance for each other. There is a bundle of joy in every corner of my house.
7. Divine guidance protects and guides my child / children as they are safe, secure and focused in everything they choose to do.
I truly thank each of you for participating in this, I enjoyed making this special list of the affirmations to resonate for each of the special women who have decide to take charge of their own wellness. I love you all.